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Team Ambassador

Fueled by H&I Nutrition

Marshall “Freakshow”johnson

ILL-EGO Culture Brands Ambassador (Metroflex/H&I/Alpha Kitchen)

My name is Marshall “Freakshow” Johnson. I have been a competitive powerlifter since about 2007. My best numbers in competition are a 1102lb squat, 750lb bench, and an 849lb deadlift. My best total in competition is 2600lbs. 
I started powerlifting in about 2007 as a way to get bigger in the off season. At the time I was a bodybuilder. It wasn’t until a friend of mine, who was a powerlifter, started training with me that I realized I enjoyed powerlifting much more than bodybuilding. I did two local bodybuilding shows in 2007 and 2008. Eating whatever I wanted and lifting heavy ass weight had much more appeal to me. Powerlifting came pretty easy to me, I was able to climb up in numbers relatively quickly. Powerlifting presented the opportunity for me to be sponsored by companies as big as Elitefts and Animal; One of my most memorable achievements was squatting in the Animal Cage at the Arnold Classic Festival in Columbus, Oh.

I currently live in Fargo, ND with my Wife Kathy and my almost 4 year old daughter Freya. My wife has been a competitive powerlifter since pretty much the day we met. When I met her she was not a powerlifter but she could deadlift over 300lbs and bench almost 2 plates. I pretty much told her that she was going to be a powerlifter because she had way to much potential not to.

We’ve been totally emersed in powerlifting ever since. Funny fact, my wife was actually benching when she went into labor. Our daughter Freya has been in the gym with us literally since the first weeks she’s been born. She’s grown up and will continue to grow up in the gym with us. She is starting to take a lot of interest in weight lifting . We’ve gotten her her own plastic weight set and she absolutely loves lifting with it, especially squatting. She is getting pretty popular on my instagram channel, much more popular than myself.

I am very hopeful that Freya will follow in our footsteps and become a powerlifter. Obviously I will support her in what ever she chooses to do, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t going to push powerlifting and weightlifting.
 I still have many goals left to achieve in powerlifting and I don’t have any plans of slowing down. My lifting goals are a 1200lb squat, 800lb bench, and at least 900lb deadlift. I have an amazing support system in my family, my team, my sponsorships within ILL-EGO Culture Brands, and my coach Shane Sweatt. With this massive support system there is no reason as to why I cannot achieve my goals